Our Offices
Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam and Pemba
+255 24 223 6668
Our Offices
From July 2017 to June 2018, CYD in partnership with International Republican Institute (IRI) organized public awareness dialogue, meetings and trainings on Countering/Preventing Violent Extremism through nurturing multiculturalism, modern conflict resolution methodologies and religious tolerance in Zanzibar. Through this project, CYD propelled engagement of religious leaders on efforts to rehabilitate behaviours of 75 at-risk youths in the Urban and West ‘B’ districts in Unguja and Wete district in Pemba through face-to-face dialogues, training and social media platforms. CYD also engaged at-risk youth with mainstream economic opportunities via entrepreneurial trainings. Additionally, CYD linked local and national government institutions with youth populations in order to make sure there is sustainable and stronger good relationships and collaboration between youths’ respective local communities and central governments especially on matters related to social and economic prosperity.