Uraia Wetu Project
Overall objective of the Uraia Wetu project is to contribute to an improved and enabling policy framework and environments for effective CSOs engagement as key actors of democratic governance in Zanzibar.
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Overall objective of the Uraia Wetu project is to contribute to an improved and enabling policy framework and environments for effective CSOs engagement as key actors of democratic governance in Zanzibar.
The main objective of this project is to conduct a continuous and successful series of activities in schools, sports clubs, and communities
From May 2020 to-date, CYD in collaboration with other 19 NGOs is leading implementation of the Mwanamke na Amani project activities in Tanzania
The main goal of the Dumisha Amani kwa Maendeleo Endelevu project is to empower youth, women and girls in Tanzania
From 2020 CYD has been promoting engagement of local and international graduate students to effectively engage in the CSOs sector in Zanzibar. This program also support academic credits as needed by some interns.
The aim of the Data Protection and Privacy Law project was to support process for establishment of the Zanzibar Data Privacy and Protection Law
This project aimed to strengthen capacities of peace stakeholders in Zanzibar including youth representatives in peace initiatives
Center for Youth Dialogue (CYD) in collaboration with local partners worked on number of local initiatives to enhance awareness among youths
The main goal of the Amani Visiwani project project was to improve community engagement especially of at-risk youth
The purpose of this project was to enhance awareness and voting skills especially to youth, women and people with disability
In August 2021 CYD partnered with Data Driven Advocacy program (DDA) to conduct a brief study on youth in Zanzibar
CYD implemented a project named "Six Hundred Oppotunities - SHOP" a youths ecconomic emporment project.
In 2019 CYD implemented a Women Empowerment project which was based on improving the quality of women's lives,
CYD in collaboration with Zanzibar Youth Forum (ZYF) implemented an 18 months project that focused on reshaping narratives in Zanzibar
From July 2017 to June 2018, CYD in partnership with International Republican Institute (IRI) organized public awareness activities to prevent violent incidents in Tanzania
From February to December 2018, CYD partnered with Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum (UMYDF), Kenya Muslim Youth Alliance (KMYA) to implement Community Change Agents in East Africa project.
CYD partnered again with Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum (UMYDF), Kenya Muslim Youth Alliance (KMYA), Anti-Tribalism Movement (ATM) and the Civilizations Exchange
Youth from Tanzania and the U.S. have both been confronted with the problem of violent extremism. This program offered students with opportunity to exchange experiences, culature and best ways to avoid being radicalized.
From October 2015 through September 2016 CYD implemented a CVE project named Enhancing Youth Engagement (EYE). The project aimed at enhancing youth engagement to reduce possibilities of youth recruitment.