Our Offices
Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam and Pemba
+255 24 223 6668
Our Offices
From July 2017 until December 2018 CYD in collaboration with Zanzibar Youth Forum (ZYF) implemented an 18 months project that focused on reshaping narratives that are portrayed by violent actors through different channels including hate speeches, stereotypes and ideologies among others. The intervention aimed at engaging credible figures to tackle wrong narratives. Reshaping existing wrong narratives in Zanzibar helped to reduce community tensions hence strengthened resilience against violent extremism.
This project provided dialogue platforms which yielded commonly agreed solutions that helped bridging communication and collaboration gapes between local communities as well as between local communities and their respective local and national government institutions. A total of 1,035 young males and 753 young females were reached though trainings, dialogues, exchange visits and exhibitions.